
Distance Is A Place: Sammy Volkov’s Weather Report – Jack’s review of Sammy Volkov’s beautiful single Weather Report, as published in Citrus Magazine August 2022

Northern Light Tour Diary (part 1) – In November 2014, Jack Garton and Amrit Basi toured SW Alaska with some songs and a prayer. Here from the black box is a faithful account of phase 1 of the trip.

Accordion Balancing: A Leaflet – Jack’s helpful tips on one of his most famous skills, Accordion Balancing. As distributed during his workshop of the same name at the 2015 Accordion Noir Festival in Vancouver, BC.

On Feb 22, 2014, Jack Garton and Invisible City Press released an accordion chapbook of 5 poems titled If Only, printed with letterpress and risograph by Kevin M. Rowe.

If Only is a selection of poems from an unpublished book currently titled Sick Notes, which may or may not ever be completed.

Where The Nights Are Twice As Long, an anthology of love letters written by Canadian poets, was released in 2015 by Goose Lane Editions and includes two letters by Jack Garton.
